Did you read about the woman who was horrified to find a note in her shopping bag making a plea for help from a Chinese factory? The prisoner said "We are ill-treated and work like slaves for 13 hours every day."1
Whilst finding a note hidden in your new purchase from someone trapped in slavery may sound far-fetched, unfortunately, purchasing goods that are in some way tainted by modern slavery is not. In fact, over 130 goods from more than 70 countries are produced with forced labour.2 As consumers, it’s frustrating not knowing if we’re indirectly fuelling slavery through the products we buy, or if the brands we rely upon have effective policies in place to end slavery.
However, an opportunity has arisen to ensure big companies are leading the fight to end modern slavery. Although new requirements would only apply to UK companies, the impact would be global as it would force large companies to take action in their business and with their suppliers, wherever in the world they are based. By setting a new standard in the UK on corporate action to end modern slavery, we will have a model piece of legislation for other countries to replicate. But, we need your help to make sure it happens.
The UK government has committed to introduce a Modern Slavery Bill in this parliamentary session. At the moment that bill doesn’t include any provisions on corporate action. The Parliamentary Committee formed to review the bill recently recommended that companies are legally required to take action on modern slavery.3 These changes are also supported by business.4
Right now we have a unique opportunity to change laws so that we can be more confident that we are not supporting slavery through the products and services we buy. We hope that the UK takes a lead and sets a global standard on corporate responsibility towards ending modern slavery.
In solidarity,
Joanna, Kate, Debra and the Walk Free team with Marilyn at CORE.
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